Our guide to health and fitness in Manchester brings you everything from beautiful parks to running, cycling and walking routes, yoga and meditation, friendly gyms and peaceful places to go.
It’s a floral paradise. The Manchester Flower Show is back for 2021, and it’s bigger and more botanical than ever before. Popping up and blooming at every turn, this year, the festival is taking over the ent...
2021 will see back-to-back supermoons! A full moon always gets some people talking. But a supermoon, well, they tend to attract a whole lot more attention and for good reason too – they’re super-freaking amazing to see...
Is this the dream job, or is it the dream job? Pinch yourself. Splash some water on your face. Just do what you need to do to convince yourself that this new job is… actually real? Yes, you could now have the chan...
It might be easier to save money than you think. Some people have managed to save money during lockdown, whereas for others the appeal of ordering takeaway every night has emptied their pockets. Let’s be real, lockdown...
Who knew house plants were such a great stress reliever? We’ve now entered the fourth week of lockdown and truth be told, it’s not getting any easier. We’ve baked, we’ve meditated, we’ve attended online fitness classes ...
Us Northerners know how to wind down. The gyms may be closed, but that isn’t stopping us Mancunians. Looking after ourselves has never been more crucial than during lockdown, meaning we’ve needed to dig out...
Itching to add some life to your home? There’s something about staring at our blank white walls day-in-day-out that makes us want to tear it all up and start again, in a bid to create something pretty to look at....
The UK scored highly when it came to the best National Parks in Europe… There’s nowhere we’d rather be than the Great Outdoors, especially since we’re all being asked to stay home at the moment. And as if to remind us o...
Did you know you can watch the Aurora Borealis from literally anywhere in the world? Many have always dreamed of seeing the northern lights up close, but it certainly won’t be happening any time soon, thanks to a...
Found yourself developing a few bad habits? Haven’t we all. There’s something about lockdown that has us questioning exactly who we were before the Coronavirus outbreak, with our lives transforming rapidly i...