Ever wondered what you could own on the other side of the world?
For a lot of people in Manchester, the idea of buying their own home in the city is laughable. House prices are technically lower in Manchester than they are in the UK as a whole, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. If you’ve ever felt like house prices are increasing then you’re probably right because the government website calculates that a detached house would have set you back £28,307 more in August 2021 than in August 2021.
All in all, the average cost of a detached home in Manchester is now £372,946, according to official statistics, and that’s just a scary amount of money for most people. So, what are your alternatives? Well, the reality is that if you can’t afford to buy a house in Manchester you have to rent a house in Manchester. However, for those of us who like to dream, there’s a sweeter possibility open to those with adventurous souls and it involves buying your own private island.
Private islands have a reputation for being pretty fancy – the reserve of the super-rich. However, they’re not all that pricey, especially compared to average house prices in sunny Manchester. Here are a few that you can literally buy for less than a detached property in the city:
1. The Enclave at Placencia Caye, Belize
If you’re looking for tropical weather then Belize is for you. It’s hot and humid pretty much all year round, with stunning sandy beaches and palm trees. This gorgeous island is just a 2-minute boat ride to the nearest village and really close to the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere. What’s more, it’s only £294,958.80!
2. Bocal Island, Nicaragua
For a mere £277,515 you can snag this incredible island off the coast of Nicaragua, complete with a beautiful sandy beach, 2 bedroom home, and even an infinity pool! In Nicaragua you can expect tropical temperatures all year round, so, in short, it’s time to brush up on your Spanish, guys!
3. Private Island, Panama
Fancy a bit of DIY? This place hasn’t been developed yet, so it needs some work, but at £118,935 for the whole island, it seems like a bargain. It’s 30 minutes from the nearest town Chiriqui Grande, and just a 40-minute boat ride to the airport! Plus, it’s huge – spanning 9.30 acres!
4. Blowfish Island, Panama
Got £62,639.10 going spare? Of course, you haven’t, nobody does! However, this place is an absolute steal. Imagine building your own holiday resort here, surrounded by an abundance of the incredible wildlife that we can 100% guarantee you’re never gonna get to see in Manchester (sorry, guys).
Want to see more? You can browse private islands to your heart’s content at privateislandsonline.com, and maybe there will be a boom in island-owning Mancs once the secret gets out.