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We may have our pubs back sooner rather than later. Wetherspoons, Britain’s largest pub chain run by controversial millionaire Tim Martin, has announced an £11m plan to reopen 875 sites across the country. This plan wil...
The multi-billion pound scheme would help kickstart Japan’s tourist industry. With the international travel picture looking unclear, and tourists a little skittish about booking flights in the midst of a pandemic, savvy...
Greece hopes to have its tourism industry up and running again in under two months. As lockdown measures have tentatively begun to ease, our attention is turning decidedly towards the future once more – and with it come...
These bird’s-eye shots are truly spectacular. Here, inspired by a brilliant tweet from Joaquim Campa, you’ll find a roundup of some of the world’s most jaw-dropping vistas. He credits a site called Overview, which provi...
Britain’s lockdown hero is finally being knighted, Downing Street confirmed last night. Lockdown has produced its fair share of heroes, and none more so than Captain Tom Moore, the 100-year-old WWII veteran who’s raised...
Since both May bank holidays have fallen during the lockdown, the UK government is currently considering adding another one in October. OK, it’s not confirmed yet so don’t get too excited, but the UK governm...
Spain has joined the crowd of countries hoping to reopen to tourists this summer. As lockdowns begin to lift across Europe, many tourism-dependent nations are quickly turning their attention to how quickly they can once...
It’s the closest we’ll be getting to a holiday these days… After a pretty solid run of glorious weather last month, Manchester has since been plagued with its signature grey clouds, looming over us wit...
The swirly planet looks spectacular. Starting off the week with something to cheer you up, NASA’s Juno mission has returned some mindblowing images, showcasing Jupiter like never before. The artistic looking photo...
Business Secretary Alok Sharma announced the news in the government’s daily briefing. Since Boris Johnson’s “roadmap” speech last Sunday, we’ve had more detail about how the UK’s exit...