A vast palace. A mysterious owner. And now a dead body… It’s up to you to unravel the mystery and catch the murderer!
No matter how far from ideal your lockdown situation might be, just be thankful that no-one’s added murder to your problems. Yes, whilst dwindling toilet roll supplies and isolation boredom might be your biggest concerns, but at this mysterious palace, murder most foul has been committed, and the inhabitants are calling on you to help. Pick up your tickets here, and come prepared to unleash your inner Sherlock on this perplexing crime.
Strange happenings and odd situations have marked life in the palace recently, so suspicion is falling heavily on every inhabitant. The facts just don’t seem to add up, which means a person such as yourself – blessed with expertise, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to sift fact from fiction – needs to solve the shocking murder of the palace butler.
You’ll need to interrogate a cadre of shifty suspects, hunt down clues, and formulate your theories to unmask the palace assassin. The clock is ticking, as you’ll only have two hours to solve the case before the palace keeps its secrets forever…
No need to don a Sherlockian deerstalker either, as this is one mystery you’ll be solving from the comfort of your own home. Games run every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and you can pick up your tickets with Fever. Look at it this way: once you’ve caught the palace assassin, you’ll be well-placed to discover which flatmate has been nicking your fusilli…