The plot thickens!
It was the series that launched a (hundred) thousand Netflix subscriptions and the paved the way for gripping documentaries like The Staircase, The Keepers and Evil Genius.
Filmed over a 10-year period, Making a Murderer told the story of DNA exoneree Steven Avery who, while in the midst of exposing corruption in local law enforcement, found himself the prime suspect in a grisly new crime – the murder of Theresa Halbach.
In October, the second series picked up where the last left off and introduced us to Kathleen Zellner, Avery’s new lawyer, who is working to get his conviction overturned. Following the conclusion of the second series, Ms Zellner has taken to Twitter to share details that she says viewers weren’t given the chance to see on the show.
— Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) November 14, 2018
In a series of tweets, she shared a ‘walk-through’ of what she had learnt while working on the case and identified a suspect she is still refusing to ‘rule out’ – Brendan’s brother Bobby.
Her tweets began: “Making Murderer watchers, listen up. I’m going to walk you through what I’ve learned through my investigation that you didn’t see in the show.”
The thread read as follows:
“1. On 10/31/05, Scott Tadych visited Bobby at the Avery salvage yard (ASY) around noon.
“2. After Teresa (TH) called the Dassey landline for directions, our suspect contacted her back with the Dassey address.
“3. Teresa arrived at the ASY around 2:30-2:31 p.m. on 10/31/05. Only Bobby and Steven saw her. After completing her photo assignment, she left & turned West on Hwy 147 around 2:38 p.m. Our suspect followed her. Steven was in his trailer.”
“4. Our suspect gets TH to pull over. She opened her car’s rear cargo door to retrieve her camera, was knocked to the ground and struck with an object.
“5. TH was put in the rear cargo area of the RAV4 and driven back to ASY
“6. TH’s RAV4 was spotted leaving the ASY with an unknown driver at 3:45 p.m.
“7. RAV4 was left by the old dam West of Mishicot on 10/31/05.
“8. 3 witnesses saw RAV4 up to 11/4/05, then it was gone.
“9. Recent investigation shows the RAV4 battery died, so it was replaced in order to move the RAV4 to the ASY.
“10. TH’s body was burned in a burn barrel. Dassey burn barrel had human bones.
“11. 60% of bones and 31 teeth missing.
“12. A witness smelled horrible odor of something burning in Manitowoc County gravel pit the evening of 10/31/05.
“13. The Dassey garage was never luminoled or DNA tested. Bobby hung a deer in the Dassey garage on 11/4/05.
“14. Sikikey note-Body burned at smelter 11/4/05, 3 a.m. Tadych worked the night shift at a smelter facility. His nickname: Skinny.
“15. TH’s electronics were not burned in Steven’s burn barrel; they were burned in Dasseyburn barrel.
“16. Suspect knew Steven’s finger re-bled on 11/3/05 because he observed it.
“17. Suspect had access to Steven’s trailer to remove blood from the sink.
“18. Only our suspect knew the blood in the sink was Steven’s and not TH’s (this rules out the police).
“19. Suspect planted blood in RAV4, bones in Steven’s burn pit, and TH’s electronics in Steven’s burn barrel.
Ms Zellner ended the thread by asking Twitter users to share their questions using the hashtag #AskZellner. And, as you would imagine, she was inundated with questions, including:
We have two more witnesses that confirm. #AskZellner
— Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) November 15, 2018
It was a rage killing motivated by rejection. #AskZellner
— Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) November 15, 2018
Watch series two of Making a Murderer on Netflix now.