When it comes to extinctions dinosaurs and dodos tend to spring to mind, but now an item that was once a staple in British life could soon be nearing the end of the line, according to one of the UK’s train operators. Northern has said the iconic, orange ‘magstripe’ train tickets, which contain a magnetic stripe, could be “something of a museum exhibit” within as little as five years. What a way to make you feel old, eh?
The rail firm said its customers’ ever-growing preference for digital tickets and the introduction of actual ‘paper’ tickets has seen them use 2.3 million fewer ‘magstripes’ in the last 12 months. The current version of the iconic, orange ‘magstripe train tickets were first used in 2014, when Northern was selected by the then Association of Train Operating Companies (now known as the Rail Delivery Group) to carry out a trial at stations across the North of England. They went on to become the standard ticket for all train operators and remain in use to this day.
According to Northern, less than 20% of journeys on their services in 2023-24 were made using a ‘magstripe’, with the number in-use falling by 12% compared to 2022-23, from 20.3 million to 18 million. During the same period, the number of people using digital tickets on Northern services grew by almost 19%, from 54.8 million to 65.2 million.
A spokesperson for Northern said: “All of our standard tickets are available in electronic format and people clearly enjoy the flexibility of buying their ticket ‘on the go’ and being able to store it on their mobile phone or tablet. We’re also increasingly able to offer actual ‘paper’ tickets from our ticket offices and vending machines for those who prefer a physical proof of purchase.
“Whilst ‘magstripes’ might generate a sense of nostalgia, it’s important to remember that because they’re made from more than one material, they’re less recyclable and could ultimately end up in landfill – whereas paper tickets can be easily recycled with other paper products. At the current rate of decline and with an ever-greater focus on digital and paper alternatives, ‘magstripes’ are definitely nearing the end of the line. They could be something of a museum exhibit within five years.”
Northern released this information ahead of World Environment Day on Wednesday (June 5), a United Nations-led day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.