Double-jabbed brits may not need to isolate when coming into contact with virus.
By use of the NHS Test and Trace app, many people across the UK have been told to self-isolate after being nearby somebody who later tested positive for Covid-19. When one receives this message, they are told to stay at home until 10 days after they made contact with an infected person.
However, this could soon change for those who have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. The isolation period for fully vaccinated people could be scrapped later this year.
It is thought that Health Secretary Matt Hancock wishes to replace this measure with a system that would mean those with both jabs would take a test each day instead of needing to self-isolate. Those with a negative test can continue their life as normal for 24 hours until they take the test again the following day.
Linda Bauld, professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh, said: “It’s already in place in the US. The Centre for Disease Control changed their guidance a while ago to say that people who had had both doses of the vaccine and about 10-14 days after the second dose didn’t have to self-isolate, so I think we are moving in that direction.”
Just last week, 62,000 people were told to isolate through the Test and Trace app. This new plan would come into place if it is found to be effective during a trial involving 40,000 people, which is due to take place at the end of the summer.