Captain Sir Tom loved the natural world.
We all know his name – Captain Sir Tom Moore raised over £38 million to help the NHS, during a pandemic. He was an inspiration and a comfort to those struggling under the circumstances, and he devoted the final year of his life to charitable pursuits. Therefore, it is incredibly fitting that the Woodland Trust is now raising money to commemorate his life in the form of beautiful woodland, at the request of Sir Tom’s family.
Since the Woodland Trust was set up in 1972, they have planted 50 million trees, and their aim is to keep planting, year on year. Inspired by the lasting impression Captain Sir Tom left on this Earth, his family would like for his memory to do what he did in life – to make the world a better place. According to his family, Sir Tom had always been enthusiastic about the natural world, and we know that grew up surrounded by the amazing Yorkshire countryside.
Therefore, to address climate change and preserve the natural world for future generations, Woodland Trust is asking for donations on a Just Giving page. For each donation, a tree will be planted in Sir Tom’s honour, in place of flowers or condolence cards. You can read more about it here, and so far just over £2,800 has been raised.