Boots is planning to crack down on their current Coronavirus rules.
Following the government’s new Coronavirus regulations that have seen all non-essential shops close their doors indefinitely, Boots is now planning to implement stricter regulations across their stores, as the public continues to bend the rules of the UK lockdown.
The new policy will see customers asked before entering a store what they are visiting for, in a bid to reduce the number of shoppers simply using their visit to browse the cosmetic areas of the store – something that is against the government’s regulations that are in place to protect both staff and shoppers. It has been reported that staff have been concerned about their welfare as non-essential parts of the stores, such as beauty counters, remained open and staffed.
The move could see some shoppers turned away if they have no “essential” reason for visiting the store, with only “priority” customers being allowed access for items such as medicine, according to the Mirror.
Boots in York – still not including pads and tampons in the ‘essentials’ list! @CCriadoPerez
— NotReallyElena (@Elena1701A) April 6, 2020
Some stores have already begun cornering off non-essential areas, hanging signs in their doorways stating that only items such as medicines, toiletries and baby products will be available to purchase.
The new rules will be implemented across a number of stores, however, it is currently unclear which will be affected.
[Featured image: Boots]