The UK scored highly when it came to the best National Parks in Europe… There’s nowhere we’d rather be than the Great Outdoors, especially since we’re all being asked to stay home at the moment. And as if to remind us o...
Fancy pastéis de nata on demand? This online workshop is the answer. In thousands of years of human history, I’d argue that nothing has surpassed the pastel de nata when it comes to culinary engineering. In my…...
It’s a dark, cold January, and we’re all being asked to stay home – luckily, the Body Coach is back to help us get up and moving! When the first UK lockdown hit and schoolchildren were sent home, the parents of nearly n...
For the third time since March, England will enter a nationwide lockdown. New year, same old story, isn’t it? Despite the pages of the calendar flipping over to 2021, we’re getting in a throwback to 2020 qui...
Any easing of restrictions would depend on the success of the vaccine and tier system, however. With almost 80% of England set to enter 2021 in Tier 4, the year isn’t exactly set to start on the front foot. Still, with...
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved for use in the UK. By December 20, over 600,000 people in the UK had been vaccinated against coronavirus – and that number is only going to go up with today’s news. UK re...
Over half of the UK’s energy came from wind power on Boxing Day. Despite everything – and I’m sure you don’t need a reminder of what “everything” is – this year, there have been a few bright spots in the news this year,...
After the year we’ve had, you’d better fucking believe we need to brush up on our swear words… Christmas is basically here and Netflix is spoiling us rotten accordingly. With Black Mirror special ‘Death to 2020’ due to...
Sort fact from fiction in this fascinating talk. Fancy learning about something that isn’t social distancing and R numbers? We feel you. Thankfully, our pals at Fever are running their excellent Fever Talks in the new&h...
If you’re planning to see your extended family over the holidays, it’ll need to be on Christmas Day. Alongside today’s government press conference, which saw London, the South East, and the East of Eng...